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Fable Anniversary: Review Fable Anniversary: Rev... rating
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor Review Middle Earth: Shadow o... rating
Review : Beat Hazard Ultra Review : Beat Hazard U... rating
Review – Sony PS4 Sony PS4 rating

Sony Announces PlayStation Now Subsc...

Sony Announces PlayStation Now Subscription Service Backwards-compatibility is something that tends to be an issue when it comes to consoles. Sure, most original PlayStation games played just fine on the PS2, but then things got trickier when the PS3 arrived. The first units off the line could play a vast majority of PS1/PS2 titles, but once the hardware emulation was dropped, we lost that functionality. Last...
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eSports Dominate 2014 and Beyond

eSports Dominate 2014 and Beyond As any gamer knows, gone are the days where multiplayer games meant you had to actually sit down with your buddies to play with or compete against them. Since the late ’90s for PC users and the early 2000s for those who prefer consoles, we’ve had the ability to play multiplayer titles with our friends, and complete strangers, over the web. While...
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Star Citizen Hits $60 Million Mark T...

Star Citizen Hits $60 Million Mark Thanks To Updates, New Ships As we come up to the 2 year anniversary since the Kickstarter for Star Citizen ended, it’s pretty easy to see that the company developing the game, Cloud Imperium Games, is still going strong. After all, over 600k people have pumped out over $60 million in funding to help get this game developed! How is it that CIG keeps reaching these milestones when...
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Star Citizen’s CitizenCon Star...

Star Citizen’s CitizenCon Starts Tonight! If you know me, then you’ll know that I’m a huge fan of Chris Robert’s Star Citizen. Part of that has to do with the fact that I feel that there isn’t nearly enough large-scale space games, games that let you either be a combat pilot looking to take out your enemies in a rain of gunfire, or that let you ply the trade lanes taking...
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Ubisoft’s The Crew Launch Date Delay...

Ubisoft’s The Crew Launch Date Delayed Ubisoft’s next-gen racing game will no longer be releasing on November 11, according to the game developer’s blog. After hosting 2 closed PC betas and a closed console beta, release date has been pushed back to December 2nd in response to feedback from testers. Ubisoft is planning for another closed console beta sometime in November. The betas assist...
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Fable Anniversary: Review

Fable Anniversary: Review Arseface. Piemaster. Chicken Chaser. These names hold sway in the stuff of legends. Or at least they do if you played Fable back in the early 2000’s. Well guess what? The Chicken Chaser has returned in Fable Anniversary, a rework of the original game ported into the Unreal Engine, providing upgraded graphics and “upgraded” menus. Personally, I...
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