I’ve been rocking out a lot on Rock Band 2 over the last three months, and I image that many of you have been doing the same. Unfortunately if your primary console is a PS2 or a Wii, you’ve been stuck with the original Rock Band or a Guitar Hero title to satisfy your inner rocker. Well the wait is almost over, as Harmonix has finally given us a solid release date for those two consoles.
This Thursday, December 18th, you’ll be able to pick up Rock Band 2 for either the Wii or PS2. Wii owners will finally have the opportunity to download new tracks and store them on an SD card. Sorry PS2 owners, but despite the fact that you installed a hard drive for Final Fantasy XI, you’re still not getting any DLC. The peripherals for the PS2 version have already been for sale, so here’s the breakdown of what will be available on Thursday.