Over at Joystiq they got their hands on a demo of this, presumably, horrid game. Whether that refers to the quality of the game, or the idea behind it is yet to be determined, even they said they’re proceeding with caution. Regardless, if you liked the movies, then the game might be just what you’re looking for as it appears to bewilder you with a lot of the same puzzles found in the thrill/kill series.
The game is coming to Wii (this oughta be fun), PS3, Xbox 360, and PC, brought you by Konami and Zombie, the same people who brought you America’s Army. Essentially you are challenged by a series of puzzles in the form of mini-games and then there is also the plot of you searching the place for a way out, maybe the crazy man behind it all, who knows. Along the way you’ll be encountered with others who failed their tests as well as some who seem to think killing you is the answer to their puzzle.
The game is amazingly built on the Unreal Engine, but from the screens you can’t really tell it, although along the way to do eventually get weapons. If you are worried about the puzzles getting redundant and easy, they shouldn’t as the solutions are random and they get progressively harder as you move through the game, so it shouldn’t get boring. So if you like a bit of Silent Hill mixed with some Brain Age and a lot of gore this could be the game for you when it drops, which as with the movies, will be this Halloween.