Posted by Raine Hutchens on Jan 7, 2011

The Most Intense Music Video For A Video Game

Com2uS decided to go balls-to-the-wall with the upcoming release of Inotia 3: Children of Carnia, the gorgeous-looking RPG for the iPhone. The company signed on the Korean indie band Dear Cloud to show up in this sweet music video for the third entry in the Inotia series.

This is definitely something you’d expect from a console smash hit, but from an iPhone game? This just goes to show that developers of iPhone games mean business. Serious business. It just goes to show that the iPhone can be considered just as important when it comes to mobile gaming devices as the DS or PSP.

Inotia 3 will be releasing on the iPhone shortly, with six classes for players to choose from and plenty of NOC heroes to fight alongside during the journey.

Take a look at the music video below, and tell us what you think. Are you going to get into Inotia?


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