Posted by Raine Hutchens on Feb 4, 2011

Dead Space 2’s Unitology Not To Be Mistook For Scientology

Unitology. It’s the fictitious religion that has been created in the world of Dead Space. Some people out there are saying that the game’s creators are poking fun at Scientology, and Dead Space 2’s Creative Director says otherwise.

Wright Bagwell recently spoke with MTV, and he had much to say on this religious conspiracy theory.

“I think people get that because the name is very similar. It was really just an observation about what can happen to anybody who is fanatical and illogical about their beliefs. As science took hold and modern thinking took hold, there was a lot less superstitious thinking. But now that people are not able to understand everything around them again, technology has gotten to the point where it’s like magic to some people, and they’re overwhelmed with the amount of knowledge and information that’s out there. It’s gotten people thinking illogically and superstitiously again.”

This is where Unitology got its inspiration. “In this complex, futuristic world, people are looking for ways to simplify their lives and put their faith in something that they don’t have to think too much about, ” Bagwell finished.

I personally never put Unitology and Scientology in the same category. If you take the time to study the story and world created with Dead Space, you can see that there’s a lot more than meets the eye, and you have to get under the skin a little bit.

What do you think?


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