Posted by Raine Hutchens on Jul 14, 2011

Deep Silver Hits Attendees With Zombie Science At Comic-Con 2011

Deep Silver, the developer behind this year’s Dead Island zombie slasher, has just announced that they will be going all “zombified science nerd” on attendees at this year’s Comic-Con event in California. The company plans to host a panel that promises to “blend the pop culture fascination with zombies with realities of medical science.” They plan to call this panel “The Science of Zombies,” and it will be taking place in room 8 of the San Diego Convention Center on July 22nd at 7:30 PM.

The developers hope to explore society’s fascination with the zombie genre as a whole, and to demonstrate how creative talents are harnessing medical science to define and explore horror entertainment in more realistic ways. To put it simply, they want to use modern medical science to explore how a zombie outbreak could ever happen. This will surely captivate literally everyone who attends this year’s Comic-Con.

Some scheduled participants in the panel include:

  • Max Brooks, universal zombie expert and author of The Zombie Survival Guide, World War Z and The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks
  • Haris Orkin, writer of the anticipated video game, Dead Island
  • Steve Schlozman, M.D., author of The Zombie Autopsies and assistant professor of psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
  • Bradley Voytek, Ph.D., Post-doctoral Fellow: Neuroscience, University of California, San Francisco
  • Andrew Groen, freelance journalist and editor of GamePro Magazine’s “Real Science” column
  • Bruce Geryk, M.D., Resident Physician, Department of Neurosurgery, University of North Carolina Hospitals

“We’re excited to bring some of the world’s great medical minds together for what promises to be an intriguing discussion about the human body and its capabilities,” said Deep Silver Chief Operating Officer Geoff Mulligan, quickly hiding a plastic bin filled with suspiciously grey and squishy looking unidentified objects under his desk . “I have an ongoing belief that brains are a vastly underrated source of vitamin B12 and thus will base my potential intake of human brains on this panel’s ultimate decision on whether or not this is a solid nutritional strategy. I look forward to this discussion at Comic Con 2011.” This alone should be enough to score the attention of con goers. Make sure you check out the full panel on July 22nd.

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