Posted by Raine Hutchens on Jul 28, 2011

Net Loot: Assassin’s Creed Finally Goes 8-Bit

As following the fad of our favorite titles receiving 8-bit makeovers, Assassin’s Creed is the newest title under the pixelated wand. In a video by Balazs Kalocsai we see the world through Ezio’s 8-bit eyes. There’s only so many ways one can assassinate a guard, right?

The video is well put together, and it uses the sense of foreshortening with precision. It almost looks like a 3DS remake title than an original 8-bit remake, but that only makes us appreciate it more.

You can check out the video below. While you’re watching, keep in mind that these buildings are that much harder to climb, due to their 9-bit blockyness. This makes Ezio that much more of a BAMF.


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