Posted by Chris Scott Barr on Sep 9, 2011

Crysis Officially Coming To Xbox 360 And PS3

There’s not a PC gamer out there who doesn’t know about Crysis. Even if the game isn’t your cup of tea, I can almost bet that you’ve probably ran the game’s benchmark on your computer at least once, if only to see how it plays. Odds are, unless it was recently, you were probably disappointed with the results. After all, the game is still one of the most demanding, even after 4 years. So why is it being ported to consoles?

The answer must be that there is simply enough demand for it. That much is understandable, as it’s a good game, and good games should be available to the masses. It’s just hard to imagine a graphical powerhouse like Crysis getting ported to consoles, especially after all this time.

When we think of older games getting ported to a new platform, we usually hear about how the graphics have been “updated.” I think this will be one of the first times that an old game actually had to have its graphics turned down, just for the port. Anyway, at least we know that it should easily stack up visually to current console games. Don’t believe me? Check out the release trailer below, then pick up the game on either the PS3 or 360 in October


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