Posted by Caitlyn Muncy on Sep 12, 2011

Vampirism Infecting Skyrim

We are all on the edge of our seats waiting for Skyrim to hit the shelves. If you were wondering about whether or not you could be a vampire in the game, fear no longer, for it is confirmed. The tradition has been upheld in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that you can become a vampire via a communicable disease.

It’s nothing that can’t be undone, but you have to make sure that it is treated within a reasonable time, or you’ll be stuck as a bloodsucker for the rest of time. Not to mention we’re not talking about sparkling in the sun kind of night-walkers either. You will actually take damage from sunlight, and have the ability to feed off of the unsuspecting while they are asleep.

The most interesting aspect of this is that over time you can actually learn to harness your vampiric tendencies. For example, you may be injured by the sun, but you’ll get a power boost to other vampire-related skills. The way Bethesda is talking, becoming a vampire won’t just be a small change to your character, but it will completely change the way you play through the game. This is just making us salivate more for this game, so if time could move a little faster that would be great.





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