Posted by Chad Kilinski on Oct 27, 2011

Is This How GTA V Graphics Will Look?

As you all know, GTA V was announced a couple of days ago.  These games have been the head of much dispute as well as a lot of freaking fun.  Rockstar has already teased us with a logo and the release date of the initial trailer, but they haven’t shown us how the game will look yet!  Lucky for us, folks over at StickTwiddlers received an all inclusive answer.

If you know about the history of the Playstation 3 and the games that were being developed for it, you’ll recognize the name “Eight Days”.  It was a title being developed by SCE London Studio about 4 or 5 years ago.  Let’s just say that the gameplay looked so ahead of its time.  I’m sure I could have described it better, but I’ll let you decide by watching the video below.  This game was recently put on hold, so I’m not sure if they’ll even release it.

You may be wondering why I’m telling you a story about some game that’s been in development almost as long as Duke Nukem: Forever (okay, maybe not that long).  It turns out that one of the lead animators from Eight Days has been working on GTA V.  StickTwiddlers did some investigative work and they think that this person is Jim Jagger.  This is some awesome news for the gaming community and hopefully the character animations in GTA V can live up to Eight Days!  We’ll have to wait and see on November 2nd when the initial trailer is released.


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