Posted by Caitlyn Muncy on Feb 20, 2012

Dragon Ball Z Kinect Game For Xbox 360?

Every day we are coming closer and closer to a realistic virtual reality, but for now, we’ll just have to make do with some pretending. If you are a fan of Dragon Ball Z, chances are you have been wanting to release a Kamehameha on your foes for some time now. Seeing as most, if not all of us aren’t saiyans, pulling this off on your own is a pretty difficult feat.

This is why Namco Bandai might just be working on a Dragon Ball Z game that will use the Microsoft Kinect sensor. The tip-off about this possible release comes from Siliconera, as they spotted Dragon Ball Z Kinect on Korea’s Game Rating Board. I foresee many of us practicing our five minutes long battle screams in the coming months.

While I do think this game is going to be a blast, I do have some concerns. One is whether or not I’ll be getting noise complaints from having to yell at my TV. The other, and possibly the most important, is what may happen if 2-player mode uses the Fusion Dance, and we actually time it perfectly. This game needs to come out so we can know for sure though.


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