Posted by Raine Hutchens on Apr 1, 2012

SteelSeries Announces New 8-Bit Peripheral Line

SteelSeries, one of the top leading manufacturers of gaming peripherals, has just announced a brand new lineup that will be hitting the market this year. This new line helps take players back to their early days in gaming – it’s all 8-bit-themed. Together in the new set are each a mouse, headset, and keyboard, and all of these together are being called the ErgoRetro peripherals.

The family of peripherals takes already-existing products, and puts an 8-bit spin on them all. Here’s what you’ll be seeing in the ErgoRetro set:

SteelSeries ErgoRetro Mouse

  • Taking out the relevant functionality to dominate your game, the SteelSeries ErgoRetro® Mouse has been ergonomically re-altered for extreme hand-sized users, increasing hand-cramp reaction times, and added weight technology for a block-like, retro feel. Features also include a new TrackBlock sensor, modeled after the track-ballwith an added 8-Bit flair.

SteelSeries ErgoRetro Headset

  • Headsets are simple, make them look cool and the rest will follow. The new SteelSeries ErgoRetro® Headset embodies an oversized, block-like design for sort-of-superior sound and an incredibly limited amount of comfort. Weighing in at 8.6 lbs., users will never forgetwhat they’re wearing.

SteelSeries ErgoRetro Keyboard

  • Modeled after the first mechanical gaming keyboard that was introduced in 2007 by SteelSeries, the new SteelSeries ErgoRetro® Keyboard supports the same tank-like, indestructible design, butwith new 8-Bit style improvements. The severe, pixel-block design and oversized keys takeaway the fast response time of its user and focuses the attention more on the way it looks than the way it works.

The new ErgoRetro series will be available soon, and pricing is still being determined at this time.Over on the SteelSeries Facebook page you can have a chance to win each of the new products through giveaways the company will be hosting. Make sure you get in on it, and check out the ErgoRetro set in the photos above!

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