It looks like Origin has suffered an attack that’s lead to security breaches. Customers have logged on to find that they accounts have been hacked, seeing their personal details changed. Adding salt to the wound, EA’s security measures are making it impossible for victims to rectify the situation at all.
Users that have suffered the attack are being told that their email address is coming up invalid whenever they attempt to login to the network. Some users have called EA to try and get some help, but the representatives are reportedly declining to help without a valid date of birth – which is something the hackers have changed in the system.
EA’s official forums are littered with complaints and players calling out for help. As of right now EA hasn’t commented on the issue yet, and we’re still awaiting some sort of action on their part. If you’re an Origin user it would be a good idea to change your details in the system before the attack travels further, just to protect yourself.