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After AC4 Fallout, Ubisoft Cans Uplay Passport “Feature”

After AC4 Fallout, Ubisoft Cans Uplay Passport “Feature” Online passes are a bane to gaming everywhere, preventing gamers from getting everything out of their otherwise legitimate copy of a game just because they happened to get the game secondhand. For the most part, most developers have gone ahead and scrapped their online pass systems, including Sony and even...
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You Can’t Shoot Your Guns In Deus Ex: The Fall If Your iOS Device Is Jailbroken

You Can’t Shoot Your Guns In Deus Ex: The Fall If Your iOS Device Is Jailbroken When it comes to combating piracy some developers like to get a little tricky. For instance, in Batman: Arkham Asylum if you had a cracked copy of the game your cape wouldn’t fully extend at a critical moment, meaning you were sent plummeting to your death below. In Game Dev Tycoon, if you downloaded...
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Xbox One’s Kinect Could Spell The End For Typing In Codes

Xbox One’s Kinect Could Spell The End For Typing In Codes While the Xbox One is no longer going to have any extra DRM for games that the 360 doesn’t already have, that does mean that there will be companies out there who will choose to include some DRM of their own, namely in the form of online passes. As many of you are aware, entering in online passes can...
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Microsoft Says: If Your Account Is Banned, You Won’t Lose Access To Your Games

Microsoft Says: If Your Account Is Banned, You Won’t Lose Access To Your Games Ever since the Xbox One was announced, and details emerged about how it would work Microsoft hasn’t exactly had a great time in getting people excited for it. After all, when your competitor gives players more freedom to do what they want with their games, with a more powerful system and at a cheaper...
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EA’s Online Pass Eliminated For Existing Games As Well

EA’s Online Pass Eliminated For Existing Games As Well Earlier in the month we reported with glee that EA was going to be giving up their controversial Online Pass system, where in order to access the online content for the game you had to have a special, one-time only pass that you had to enter. If you didn’t have the pass, either because you lost it, or...
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Sony Could Be Looking At Used Game DRM As Well [Rumor]

Sony Could Be Looking At Used Game DRM As Well [Rumor] When Microsoft announced the Xbox One a week ago one of the first things on people’s minds was whether or not the system was going to employ some sort of measure to restrict the use of used games on the system. Since then we’ve heard all sorts of different rumors ranging from “people with...
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Microsoft’s Major Nelson Clarifies Some Details On Used Games

Microsoft’s Major Nelson Clarifies Some Details On Used Games One of the biggest things to come out of the reveal for the new Xbox One yesterday is how the new console deals with used and borrowed copies of games. Unlike consoles in times past, where you can trade and sell and swap to your hearts’ content, the Xbox One is instead doing away with all that, and...
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Xbox One Will Definitely Require Internet Connection

Xbox One Will Definitely Require Internet Connection With Microsoft’s announcement of the Xbox One yesterday one of the biggest things on peoples’ minds were “will the Xbox One require a constant internet connection?” There had been rumors going on for months that the console would require such a connection, much to the dismay of...
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