Mass Effect 2 on the PS3 was just recently patched, and in the process we have seen that a new DLC pack entitled “Arrival” has been detailed. The DLC is set to add three new Trophies for players to acquire, and BioWare forums have lit up with theories, ideas, and suggestions of what the DLC will include.
One of the new Trophies is called “Covert Action,” and it refers to Dr. Amanda Kenson who was mentioned recently in a Cerberus Daily News Network update:
Historians and astronomers alike are abuzz tonight over a new paper published by Dr. Amanda Kenson of the University of Arcturus … “Only a small fraction of the mass effect relays date back 50,000 years,” she writes, “The majority are far older, indicating they were created by a species predating even the Protheans.” … What civilization could have spanned the galaxy for not thousands, but millions of years? If this were the case, we should have found mountains of evidence of their passing. Where is this species now?”
Browsing through the forum, we see that some think that the term “Arrival” refers to the arrival of Reapers, which would stack events towards the release of Mass Effect 3. Others across the forums are trying to figure out how to acquire one of the other Trophies, “The Ultimate Sacrifice.” Seems like we just can’t sacrifice enough in this game.