Three members of the online hacker collective, Anonymous, have been arrested in Spain on charges of being involved in the intrusion into Sony’s online network which brought the PlayStation Network down for a month. They have also been connected to other cyber-attacks which are being added to their charges.
Reuters reported that three suspects were arrested in three separate Spanish cities, all in their 30s, and “were guilty of coordinated computer hacking attacks from a server set up in a house in Gijon in the north of Spain.”
Since this original report surfaced, new information has been added. A new release of information now contradicts the hackers’ connection to the Sony intrusion. The report now states, “Spanish police alleged the three “hacktivists” helped organize an attack that temporarily shuttered access to some Sony websites. They were not linked to two massive cyber attacks against Sony’s Playstation Network that resulted in the theft of information from more than 100 million customers.”
As more information rolls in on the issue, we will be here to update. Whether or not these three hackers were involved in Sony’s intrusion, it’s still beneficial that they are in custody.