We announced a while back that Cyber Snipa, the company who brought us the Sonar Championship Headset, announced the arrival of their new Sonar Portable Mini Speaker. Though the product was announced, there was no imminent date announced for when we could actually pick up one of our own. Now, the company has brought us some great information, which is that they’re shipping the Sonar as we speak.
You can now head to Cyber Snipa’s official site and order a new Sonar Portable for yourself. It’s a great peripheral for those who are gaming on the go, or if you want to connect you rMP3 player/iPod to it to jam out, wherever you are. Some features of the Sonar Portable Mini Speaker are:
The Sonar Portable will run you a cool $29.95, and it even works with your DS. It’s perfect for handhelds if you want to create an ambient experience while you play. It’s the perfect speaker for portable gaming, rocking out, or just plain being cool. If you’re into that sort of thing.