A little while back we reported that EA made an announcement dealing with an upcoming release for Dead Space 3. Rumors have been spreading about the game and how it will be ditching its space station/spaceship feel for a planetside approach. The rumors suggest that the game will take place on an ice-covered planet called Tau Volantis. Up until now the rumors were just that – rumors. However, a teaser trailer for a graphic novel about the game suggests that there’s more to these rumors than we originally thought.
In terms of solid evidence this is the first we’ve seen having anything to do with the game that’s been official. Of course there were some leaked images of artwork and a possible first screenshot, but they weren’t confirmed by either the developer or publisher. The teaser trailer for the graphic novel, however, is very official and it looks like Isaac will have to pack a warm suit this time around.
The flavor text for the trailer is as follows:
“While patrolling the planet Uxor, Earthgov Sergeant John Carver witnesses an attack on the Marker Site he guards which changes his life forever. John must now fight his way through a colony now in complete chaos as he begins to discover how important he is in fighting the Necromorph plague. This is just the start of John Carver’s saga in the Dead Space Universe.”
The only thing about the teaser trailer is that Isaac isn’t shown in it. This could mean that John is somehow a co-op character that will show in the upcoming game, as it’s rumored to have drop-in, drop-out co-op available. There is also word that Isaac will deal with a dark version of himself through a split personality called “Shadow Isaac” who will try and throw him off course. Whether this teaser does help solidify the rumors or not, I’m ready to see a new Dead Space title. I don’t know how keen I am on the game not taking place in space, but I guess there can be some room for a change. As long as Visceral continues to make the Dead Space series frighteningly fun to play, I’m forever a fan.