Posted by Chris Scott Barr on Jun 25, 2012

Buy Darksiders II Direct From THQ, Get All DLC For Free

Everyone hates the idea of store exclusive pre-order bonuses. Depending on which place you shop, you’ll usually get a special costume, a fancy weapon, or even an extra stage. While that seems great, it’s when you realize that there’s no way to get the content given away by the other stores. Well, THQ is taking a slightly different route with their offerings.

Sure, Best Buy and Amazon will be offering the usual bonus items that we’ve grown accustomed to seeing. However, if you buy directly from the THQ store, you’ll get much more than that. There are currently DLC packs planned at the 30, 60, and 90 day marks. These will be free for everyone buying direct. Oh, and they’re going to go ahead and throw in the Maker’s Armor and Scythe set, to boot.

I like the route that THQ has taken with their online sales. Everyone is going to have access to the DLC at some point, they’re just giving it away to their customers. And honestly, since they make more selling direct (THQ pockets the entire cost of the game, rather than the wholesale cost that retailers buy it for), so they’re just passing that savings on to you. Good on you, THQ. Darksiders II is set to release on August 14.


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