Posted by Chris Scott Barr on Jul 16, 2012

A “Quick” Playthrough Of Borderlands 2 Takes Around 60 Hours


Borderlands is easily one of my favorite FPS games of all-time. The fun story, humorous dialogue, intense action and the blending of RPG elements always leaves me wanting to go back for more. The only real disappointment I had was when the game ended. (No, seriously, that ending was a huge disappointment. If you played through to the end, you know what I’m talking about.)

Naturally, one of the big questions about the forthcoming sequel is just how long it’s going to take to play through the game.  According to Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford, it took the guys at Brady Games (you know, the guy that make all of those strategy guides) roughly 58 hours to do a “quick” playthrough of the game. And if it’s taking they guys at Brady almost 60 hours to do a quick run, we can only imagine how long the average player will take, as they explore every nook and cranny.

To give you an idea, the average person completed the first game in roughly 20-25 hours, according to Pitchford. So you’re looking at probably three times the amount of playtime. And of course, with the different classes, there’s always plenty of room for replayability.  September 21st can’t come soon enough.


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